Draw a line segment ^@ \overline{ PQ }. ^@ Take a point ^@ R ^@ outside the line segment ^@ \overline{ PQ }. ^@ Through ^@ R, ^@ draw a line perpendicular to ^@ \overline{ PQ }. ^@



Step by Step Explanation:
  1. Draw a line segment ^@ \overline{ PQ } ^@ and mark a point ^@ R ^@ such that it does not lie on the line segment ^@ \overline{ PQ }. ^@
    P Q R
  2. With ^@ R ^@ as centre and an appropriate radius, draw an arc that intersects the line segment ^@ \overline{ PQ } ^@ on two ^@ 2 ^@ points ^@ A ^@ and ^@ B. ^@
    P Q R A B
  3. With the same radius as in step ^@ 2, ^@ draw ^@ 2 ^@ arcs with centres ^@ A ^@ and ^@ B ^@ respectively and mark the intersection of the arcs as point ^@ S. ^@
    P Q R A B S
  4. Join ^@ RS, ^@ the line segment ^@ \overline{ RS } ^@ is the required perpendicular line to ^@ \overline{ PQ }. ^@
    P Q R A B S

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